Monday, June 11, 2012

I Am Blessed

The sweat drips from my brow as I navigate the three fellas joining my short workout. Trying not to kick, step on or punch any of them distracts me from the muscles. They delight me, they test me, they make me see the small and grab hold of the big. I am blessed.

Making muffins isn’t much of a “wow”. Basic ingredients dump together to make yummy healthy goodness. I take them to my Love.  Sitting across the desk from him I am impacted by the weight his shoulders bear for the pursuit of excellence in workplace and provision for home. I smile. He says “thank you”, but I am sure I am the one more grateful. I am blessed.

 I run, flip flop footed without losing breath the 75yards to my middle little who crashed on his scooter. The shrieks stress the neighbors but I am assured, his airway, breathing and circulation are adequate. There is some blood, but road rash does that. Carrying him from the crash I note how big he’s getting with the paradoxical feelings of joy and sorrow. Eight band aids, some antibiotic cream, a few tickles and mentions about what his flying off the scooter stunt must have looked like squeeze the giggles from his tear stained face. I am blessed.

There is a meeting in the living room. My elders sandwich a dear one. We pray together, believing for release, declaring truth and calling forth destiny. He moves with Love and Healing. We enjoy being in this place together. This is a place of family, united in heart, moved by Spirit. I am blessed.

We have an accidental puddle splash and booty landing at the park. Milkshakes with whip cream and my heart-son wait. Restaurant booth becomes “kissing booth” as two little fellas decide to smother this mother with their kisses. I make note I should sit them in booths more often. Big son smiles, hugs and pours out his blessing on little brothers with a kindness that comes from within. My youngest seeks keys, receives them and gives big hugs of thanks to legs much longer than his. I see the eyes of the fellas around me, twinkled with fullness of heart and bubbling with joy. I am blessed.

Errands done, beloved ones reunited, tall heart-daughter counsels a dear friend or two. Little boys play with keys, Legos and Wii drawing the last of their busy second wind to a close. Dinner eaten with minimal protest though dessert denied due to marginally acceptable table behaviors. Off to bed go the weary fellas for tomorrow there will be more fun to be had. I am blessed.

My Love and I land cross words in miscommunication. Tempers flare and impatience roars. We battle not against each other but for understandings lost in the shuffle of life. We press in together shifting words, navigating frayed fuses and seeking then accepting forgiveness. We know it is not wrong to duel, only wrong to leave it undone. Our marriage process is ours to live wisely, knowing those observing have hearts involved too.  Unified we remain, entwined in purpose and vision. I am blessed.

The project in the garage calls him out while the stray Crunchberries from first day of summer breakfast need swept.  Kitchen clean, leftovers contained, my fingers are drawn to keys. Given twenty-six letters I tap out a few gifts from today.  I am blessed.

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Who am I?

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I have been married to my best friend for over 29 years and our children are 16, 15 and 12 years old. I have struggled with infertility, suffered the loss of a baby by miscarriage, and endured multiple career paths. I have experienced a crisis of faith that shook me to the core and lost dear friends to tragic death. I have a personal relationship with Jesus which is essential to surviving and even thriving in my circumstances. I hope you will be blessed by my heart and words. Thank you for being here..