How I love the, Fess Up Friday... it is like an excuse to be wacky - so I have something to write about!
- I agreed with only a quick rocket prayer to take on Teacher Appreciation Week. The week I have 3 extra kids, the week I am finishing up MOPS for the season, the week I begin my triathlon training, the week I plan to work diligently on cleaning out closets, papers, misc. stuff... Yeah. GREAT idea!
- Actually it was! I ROCKED Teacher Appreciation Week - except for the fact that I - the parent in charge of appreciating the teachers - that assigned someone to send notes home reminding kids to write thank you notes to their teachers - FORGOT to have my kids write thank you notes! MOPS went great, the extra kids are fun (I even took them to the grocery store - ALL 6 - just for the fun of it! The only thing I didn't ROCK was my workouts and cleaning a bunch of stuff out. I confess, doing the other stuff was much more fun!
- As far as the "other stuff" I was supposed to clean out... I have THREE years of "Food and Wine" magazine piled around my house in various places. I did not pay for it. I earned it by taking surveys and getting credits. I was SURE that a subscription to "Food and Wine" would remind me that I am a grown adult woman and I can do grown-woman stuff. Like make yummy food with fancy names and drink nice wine made in Cali or Wash... EXCEPT I have NEVER cooked one of the recipes or bought one recommended bottle of wine. I have perused at least 3 of the 36 copies. I really don't want to get rid of them, but WHEN will I get a chance to do that stuff... really!?
- More "other stuff" - this is my current filing system for papers and stuff I am currently working with. It doesn't always look like this. Sometimes I put the crayons away, sometimes there isn't curling ribbon... but sometimes there is. I need a budget line item for organizing this, I have a plan... but unfortunately, a plan does not organize anything.
- I have committed to participate in Ironman 2016. I am sure it seems like a crazy thing... that is why it certainly seems appropriate for this post. I know the right thing to say is "You can do it". But you REALLY want to say - Are you INSANE? Yes.
- No spilled milk to cry about this week, but it did take 3, yes 3 dustpan loads to clear the debris from under the table this afternoon.
- I want to be inspirational but I hate it too. It is hard to be my size for almost two decades and know that most of what is so "inspirational" is my ability to ignore my weight and do something active. When it was ignoring my weight in the first place is what landed me this size.
- I LOVE "Say Yes to the Dress". Yes, at times I am appalled, but mostly, I want to buy a new dress too... I will keep my guy though... no need for a new one of those! :)
- I try hard to keep a good attitude about a word I hear about a thousand times a day, but I commented to a friend that someday I want to have "WHY" with a red circle and a slash across it tattooed on my behind! Or maybe on the end of my nose where more people would see it...
- I promise to make notes for next weeks "fess up Friday" so it will be more brilliant, maybe ;)
- By the way, it is 3:29 and I have to go pick up my kids... they get out at 3:30, it is pouring rain and I didn't put them in coats today...
Oh, I LOVE your 'Fess Up Friday'! LOVE, love, LOVE it! Seriously! I also like the idea of the tat-lol! End of nose...ouch...rear end for squashing it? On the other hand...in a FABULOUS and painful season of 'why' and won't give up for the world the FREEDOM it's bringing-yes! But I get what you're saying :) Love ya Jenn, have a fab Mother's Day and take a 30min bath with some wine and at least ONE of those 'current' mag's to enjoy (if you haven't already thrown them ALL out)...don't have to DO anything from them....make a meal, etc., but ENJOY the thoughts and inspirations ONLY if a relaxer! :D
You are the best! I love that you're linking up with me each week. My vote is to get RID of the magazines and clear the clutter... you will feel better without them hanging around taunting you. I had to do this with scrapbooking and food magazines I never got to. It was hard, but worth it. WHen you have the time to read, there will ALWAYS be another magazine. But I agree with Rebecca... take a bath nad relax with one first ;)
I have seen several tutorials for freezer paper stencils to make personalized t-shirts... let's make one that says "Just Say No to WHY" ;)
Rebecca, I am glad you enjoy the fess up Fridays, it is always fun for me.
Kira, you have inspired me! But I am not sure that either one of you have convinced me to read a Food and Wine magazine in the tub. They always make me hungry... :).
After 2 glasses of yummy red tonight I don't have the gumption to even climb in the tub and certainly not to get back out! :)
Thanks for the feedback! I am blessed by you both!
Six kids? Wow. And you had fun? You are my hero (grin). Love how you dish here!
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