Sunday, August 22, 2010

Family Camping

One of the most wonderful things about this weekend was the unexpected surprises.

  • Like our friends cancelling at the last minute (we would have loved to have them with us, don't get me wrong, but just OUR family is such a neat little package!).
  • Then the raindrops throughout the weekend at all different times of day.
    • We sang "Sing Hallelujah to the Lord" with our sons while raindrops pelted us before we headed to bed and instead of running inside, we let everyone pick a song and sing even though we were getting wetter! 
    • We made smores in the rain too. Just tuck the graham cracker package into the open bag of marshmallows and it all works out just fine! 
    • We sat around our Sunday morning campfire with James (because his birthday is closest) leading our Sunday family church service. He prayed, we sang a song, and then he asked us all to share something we know about Jesus. It was a precious time. And it rained on us then too. We didn't care.
  •  We decided last minute on Saturday night to run over to Sandpoint to go out to dinner. I had planned dinner for camping, but one of our favorite family restaurants so close was just too tempting! We loaded up the guys and headed out to Jalapeno's and had a wonderful family dinner. It was so relaxing and enjoyable to visit with our tired guys over dinner, watch Peter eat a crazy amount of chips and salsa (that was all he wanted for dinner) and together - with all 5 spoons dipping in - devour our favorite Jalepeno's dessert - Fried Ice Cream. Everyone got enough. Everyone had fun. There were even compliments from other diners about the boys manners! Talk about a lovely surprise!
  • Saturday morning I got up as soon as the fellas woke up and got dressed to go for my Saturday run. Outside this time! I usually run on the treadmill. It was my first real run out of doors - and what a glorious morning! Wow! I loved every minute - except for the giant hill - but other than that, it was great!
  • Sunday morning we got up, before our real breakfast (Pop Tarts don't count) and took a hike down by the lake. The boys picked up sticks, running, stopping, whacking plants, posing for a picture or two, or protesting I was taking pictures (depending on the subject). I really took the time to study them.

They have changed so much these past few years. My middle guy is about to turn 5 and I wonder again where the time has gone. He has changed so much just in the last year! My oldest, now 6 is showing initiative (in good and not so good situations) and my littlest guy, he is talking in full sentences, completely and thoroughly sure he is right about all he says and if it is to be done, "I will do it by myself!".

For me, this weekend was about really LOOKING at my family. I told my husband many times what a great Dad he is. He asked me why I kept saying that. Since he wasn't really doing anything new or different and he isn't particularly insecure about such things. I told him that I was just enjoying watching, really watching him be a great dad. He responded with "OK."

I watched my boys riding their bikes, jumping over speed bumps, trying to learn to ride with one hand or with none, confident and capable on two wheels when it was only last year they were wobbly and trying to learn.

I spent 45 minutes Friday afternoon snuggling, wrestling, tickling and giggling with Peter on the grass while the big boys rode around us. Listening to his laugh, his voice say "again Mommy, again!", and just being in his presence blessed my socks off.

What treasures I enjoy on a daily basis! I am hoping the intent focus I placed on them this weekend carries through as I get back to the day-to-day business of doing life.

Full blessings. Full weekend. Wonderful!

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Who am I?

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I have been married to my best friend for over 29 years and our children are 16, 15 and 12 years old. I have struggled with infertility, suffered the loss of a baby by miscarriage, and endured multiple career paths. I have experienced a crisis of faith that shook me to the core and lost dear friends to tragic death. I have a personal relationship with Jesus which is essential to surviving and even thriving in my circumstances. I hope you will be blessed by my heart and words. Thank you for being here..