My Fess Ups are assorted, so much so I have no idea how to title this until I get them all out!
I spent most of this week sick. For a few days I went to the Kroc (Community Center with best child care and gym ever for a mom like me) to take advantage of the child care even though I was skipping my workout.
I love "So You Think You Can Dance". I love to watch what they come up with every week, cheer on my favorites and yet... I NEVER VOTE!! Can you believe it?! A true SYTYCD fan would VOTE. Embarrassing, I know.
I told the man who's been my Doc for the last 18 years that sometimes I wish I could go back in time and shake the girl who was desperate to have children 10 years ago. What was she thinking?!! He laughed. Hard. He then told me to appreciate this time, because sometimes you really do miss it when they get older. I believe him. Before he even said that to me, I took this picture:
Darth Vader held in a head lock by Mace Windu's feet and a Clone trooper standing by. I left them there for 3 days, making myself remember with each glance how precious this time is. Star Wars figures and all.
As a part of my recovery plan - laying on the couch for as long as possible without interruption - I suggested my eldest use as many of his Star Wars Legos as he can to build his own fleet. This is what he did:
THAT is irresistible! I was so proud I can't even begin to tell you! He worked for HOURS on them. He has an intense dislike for things he HAS to do, but give him time and space for the creative process and He shines! Just like his Mama! ;)
While my eldest was building his armada, my youngest was blanket wrestling. Is it just me or is that super cute??? Is it annoying that I am even asking??
While my youngest was wrangling his fuzzy foe, my middle fella, was hanging with his Nana. I don't have a picture, but let me share with you... he was busy throwing a bouncy ball at a moving target - Nana's neighbor's cat. The first pitch missed, the second, hit it's mark. We are not a cat loving family. I was terribly proud, even though I reminded him it wasn't okay to throw anything at an animal. The crooked sheepish smile said it all, "yeah, I know it was wrong mom, but it was pretty cool." We didn't agree to it out loud, but we were on the same page. So sorry to you cat lovers out there. BTW, it is not a habit for him. He's just started baseball and hitting a target of any kind is fun for him. Until he gets yelled at by the neighbor.
I need to learn more from my kids. The freedom they enjoy to greet strangers with a cheery "hello", a big grin and a shout "I love you!", and my most recent favorite from my spicy mouthed three year old "I'll miss you" to the random friendly stranger who greeted him when we were finished at the checkout.
Flying through the air on purpose, chattering with random strangers, and generally being a delight to all around them make them spectacular examples of celebrating life every day. I need to follow THEIR example.
Oh, and just in case you think my spicy mouthed three year old is always a delight... he got busted at the Kroc today for smack talking the teachers with his equivalent of "You're not the boss of ME!!"
Yup. There ya have it... more next week, without a doubt!
1 comment:
Aw, I love how your pride and love for your boys shines when you talk about them. It's not always easy to be a mom of busy, loud boys and you do it with an attitude I admire greatly.
I'm impressed that you even know who Mace Windu IS. I certainly didn't!
I'm a HUGE SYTYCD fan!!! I've never missed a season and I usually stay up late watching every second and then I vote like twenty times. This year, even though I'm totally enjoying it and think it's one of the best season's yet, I have been *gasp* forgetting that it's even on until the following day when I notice it on my DVR! What is wrong with me?! I haven't even watched this week's episodes yet. After I do we will have to discuss :)
That park in your pictures looks veeeeerry familiar. We'll have to meet up some time. Oh and BTW, I did get your sweet Facebook messages but I haven't had a chance to respond yet. I will get back to you tomorrow, just don't think I'm ignoring you!
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