Friday, September 5, 2014

Journey from Panic to Peace

I haven't written with Five Minute Friday for several weeks, but today, this word has me up at 4am.

The word prompt is WHISPER - and other than the nudge to get me out of bed at this hour to write, I heard something so clear yesterday, I must share...

My heart and mind were racing, flashbacks of past years challenges, trials, and traumas resurfacing in a matter of hours.

"Are we really going to do this?! Again?!"

As I launched my question to the vast expanse of sky, I felt angry and disillusioned. The kids have only been in school for a few days, I've been at my new job for a few weeks, as a family we've been in yet another transition for a few months, the heartbreak and healing of the past few years and now... this.

I took the scenic route in my mind wandering through the past - most recent - events and felt the peace flood me. He was reminding me of the vast provision that has covered us all this time. The healing that has taken place. How different I am. How different we are as a family. How BIG He is.

Then I heard it, the WHISPER,

"Yes, WE are. YOU are different. I AM the same."

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


When I finish something it's like a miracle come true. An epic event that is so rare there is never a camera around to capture the moment!

I rarely finish anything... That's what it FEELS like.

If I really look around and consider all I've been called to do in my life thus far, I realize that the assignments God's given me RARELY include a finish line. They are more about someone else's finish line.

The time when I come alongside a stranger in a parking lot and pray with her, when I carry a burden for someone's marathon-like journey, or simply get the dishes done at bedtime only to have my treasures surface and get them dirty again.
Unfinished Tasks

Projects I've finished

If I stacked up my value next to the projects I actually finished I'd be found quite short next to the Empire State Building of "Unfinished Tasks".

But my value is not dependent on the tasks I complete or even what I start. It is in the eyes of the One who has set the course for my journey.

Monday, June 9, 2014

I Just Can't Help Myself!

 I feel compelled to share some of the past several months of craziness with you - for your amusement and mine...
Yes, I get tired just thinking about it... but Sophie looks cuter while she sleeps.

Rock Star Dress Up Day

As if 5 articulate family members aren't enough... the dog talks too!

It seemed like a good idea at the time... too bad they LIED about how long it would take.
One Bazillion little cake dots later... and filling inserted as instructed...
Nailed it! At least according to the Birthday Boy who got to bring his treats to school! Every student had a baggie with 4 different colored "whoopie pies" in them. Whooopie!!! :)

I try to include decorative amusements when I can. It keeps us all smiling!

Yes, I'm still celebrating!

Cardboard and duct tape biplanes were made.

Sophie had to wear a mask.

Peter found the mask less irritating.

Snow boards were designed.

And used, until they fell apart.

I decided that while my Love was out of town I should end the pink counter top suffering I have endured for over 10 years. I took to Pinterest to find a solution. 
Some bucks at Lowes, some elbow grease and I painted them over, 

and over, 

and over, 

and over,
and over, 

Until I LOVED them! It took a week out of my life that was so very worth it! 
After my surgery, the shenanigans, projects and activities of my fellas, meetings, doctor appointments, and kitchen counter renovations, we also managed to finish this school year belly crawling across home plate. But that is another blog for another time. Every bit of effort and energy expended for the benefit of my beloved ones is ALWAYS worth it!

Who am I?

My photo
I have been married to my best friend for over 29 years and our children are 16, 15 and 12 years old. I have struggled with infertility, suffered the loss of a baby by miscarriage, and endured multiple career paths. I have experienced a crisis of faith that shook me to the core and lost dear friends to tragic death. I have a personal relationship with Jesus which is essential to surviving and even thriving in my circumstances. I hope you will be blessed by my heart and words. Thank you for being here..